I am sorry I have not been around this last week, I have been struck down with flu, and spent the last few days in bed, I need not say anymore. After all I have been through this year and just as I was getting back on my feet, and having a flu jab in September here I am with flu.
I hope to get back to blogging very soon, and leaving you all comments on your lovely blogs, so if you have missed me which I doubt don't worry I have not forgotten you, in the meantime take care and hope you don't get this flu.
Please feel free to leave a comment, comments are always welcome and appreciated
Unfortunately due to spam this blog does not take anonymous comments.
All the photographs have been taken by myself including those of holiday.
Sunday, 30 October 2011
Sunday, 23 October 2011
New Knitted cup cakes.

Well the washing is out but not sure if it will dry, it was dizzying early on, the sun has shown its face on and off but its windy and that might dry the washing, its not cold in fact is quite warm.
I thought you might like to see my new knitted cup cakes, they went on my craft table yesterday for the first time, I used double knitting wo

It was not the best craft fair but there was a lot of people in the hall at times, at least they are looking, I wont be there in November, and so my next one will be December.
The pattern for the flower is easy and I will put it on my pattern blog in

I would like to say well done to New Zealand in the Ruby cup final, I am not a Ruby fan but Vernon watched some of it and it was a very even match, well he said it was, who am I to say otherwise.
I hope you have a lovely weekend and until we meet again take care.
Thursday, 20 October 2011
The Sunday CD Challenge - Around the World

Very chilly this morning we did not get the frost they forecasted which was good, the sun is now shinning, I wonder for how long today. My mojo does not seem to have returned this week so I am hoping you will like my effort, several ideas did not work out until I finally went with this, not my best effort by far.
The challenge this week on the 
This card was made with the Art Deco ~~Timeless Keepsake CD, the backing paper and images both have come off this CD. There are many images with different scenes around the world until I went
to print them off, Oh no only three showed the scene the rest the scene disappeared leaving the ladies in an art deco design, which made me cross. anyway I settled for these two, both in blue, I added the blue sheer ribbon which I brought from Joanna Sheen, brilliant ribbon and a wonderful price, plus free delivery even better. I finished off the card with silver peel offs.

I hope you are keeping well and the weather is not too bad where ever you are, until we meet again take care.
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
New Earrings, and new thread

Its lovely bright sunny morning and the sky is blue with just a few white puffy clouds, so far its not rained, funny yesterday while Vernon was at work only 9 miles away it poured down where he worked, Mother said it rained yesterday shes only 6 miles away, well they might have heavy rain but the sun shone most of the day, I even went out into the garden and pulled up my Geraniums put them in pot and placed them in the porch for the winter before the frosts come. Should not have done it but left to Vernon they will be dead before he thinks about it. I am hoping when he retires next month the garden will be looking a lot better, I live in hopes, as you see the garden is down to me and so far this year I have been unable to do anything, so just taking a few geraniums out of the tubs and putting them in pot is a start.
Today I am showing a new pair of earrings they are just simple split rings, I have not thought of a name for them yet, they are nothing special but I am pleased with them, they have not been ironed so they will look better when I get the iron on them. but I wanted to show you, the thread is Lizbeth no 20 Raspberry Frappe, I really do love this colour thread.
This is a new thread I brought last week, called Butterfly breeze again Lizbeth no 20, I don't think this photo does it justice, as its a lovely random thread of colours of the rainbow. another one to put on the favorites list. The heart is by Be-stitched called Rose Heart, and the Butterfly is my old favorite by Mary Konior.

That's it today I hope you are keeping well, in the meantime take care
Lizbeth thread.,
Mary Konior
Sunday, 16 October 2011
Knitted White Dove

I hope you are having a lovely weekend, I thought I would show you my knitted white Doves, They are hand knitted with white wool, stuffed with toy stuffing so they are washable with glass beads for eyes.
This pattern came from a new book I brought recently called 75 birds, butt

I thought these would make some nice decorations for Christmas and would look good on my door wreath.

At last the sun is shinning after a cloudy morning, they say its going to get colder next week well it is October so I suppose we must expect the weather to start getting colder.
I hope you are keeping well and until we meet again Take care
Friday, 14 October 2011
I'm very Pleased with myself and Ruffle Scarfs
The sun is shining, the sky is blue and its quite mild today no wind for a change. The washing is out in the garden to dry and I feel a lot better,I have driven fo
r the first time on my own into Frome, I had an appointment. I drove on Wednesday with Vernon, he felt I could do it. So I took my time, I managed to get parked and got back home OK. I feel I have achieved something as I have not driven since the 1st December, I feel this is a real achievement after all I have been though.
I showed you my scarfs last month on the 4th September, in the post I said I had blue, black and white, and a bright red wool to knit up. Looking though what I could put on this post I thought I would show you my scarfs and how they worked out. The first one is blue and green, the wool used is Stylecraft, and is called Ruffles, they are easy to knit, one ball makes a scarf.

Bright red.
The sun is shining, the sky is blue and its quite mild today no wind for a change. The washing is out in the garden to dry and I feel a lot better,I have driven fo

I showed you my scarfs last month on the 4th September, in the post I said I had blue, black and white, and a bright red wool to knit up. Looking though what I could put on this post I thought I would show you my scarfs and how they worked out. The first one is blue and green, the wool used is Stylecraft, and is called Ruffles, they are easy to knit, one ball makes a scarf.

Bright red.
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
The Sunday CD challenge - Wine Buff

What a change in the weather, after the gorgeous late quick summer we had a couple of weeks ago, this week has been dull, dizzily, and windy. This is the fourth day where the light has been dull and the sun has just popped out for a few minutes a day.
Today I am showing you my card for the Sunday CD Challenge, this week is

I used The Pamela West Collection CD by Joanna Sheen, the image and backing paper are both off the CD. I have made it into a retirement card with a bunch of grapes top and bottom and purple velvet ribbon place on the image.
I finished off the card with gold peel offs.
This image is also on the Cd as a bookmark.
I hope you are keeping well and until we meet again take care.
Sunday, 9 October 2011
Tatted Angels, Snowflakes and Christmas Trees

I am having one of those I can't be bothered days, the weather is windy it has been raining a bit, dull, and not very interesting. The sun has just popped out but there's plenty of grey clouds around.
Today I am showing my tatted Angel, this is Katie Johnson's 3-Dimensional Angel pattern, she glues the skirt onto the body, but I have played with the pattern and by doing two picots at the bottom of the body I can attach the rings and make t

This snowflake and the next one are from Anna Magazine December 1991, I wish they had not stop printing the English version, I know I have said it before but when I go abroad I always look to see if I can get a copy of any current German ones as they still print it in German.

Both of these are on sale in my Esty store at the moment. they are easy to tat and don't take very long to do.
This is a new snowflake from the book Christmas Angels and other Tatting Patterns by Monica Hahn, I found this pattern easy and I love the way the rings flow, a couple of the rings look a little drunk but I have not ironed it yet.
This Christmas tree pattern is also from the same book, I also loved this pattern although I had a few unpicking at first its not difficult and once you get the hang of the pattern worked up quite easy, I also
did it in the Christmas thread by Lizbeth called Christmas Delight, I really love this thread, well I think by now you all know that. I am going to do it again with some beads. I do like to test a pattern without beads before tatting them in.
All the above were tatted in Lizbeth thread no 20.

All the above were tatted in Lizbeth thread no 20.
I hope you are having a lovely weekend and the weather is a bit better where ever you are. I shall be watching the F1 later, I did not get up early for the race this morning so it will be the repeat, Japanese time is a bit too early for me, I hope Jensen Button our local boy will have a good race he was second on the row, I have not seen who won it that would spoil the race for me.
Until we meet again take care
Friday, 7 October 2011
Corinne's Game

I hope you are all well, and hopefully the weather has improved with you, it still windy here and although more sunshine today its feeling a chilly.
Today I bring you Corinne's Game as per her blog, she placed a pattern on her blog and then asked if anyone wanted to tat it, well as you can see I did it in the Christmas thread by Lizbeth, Christmas Delight no 20, I do love this thre

Nancy's pattern called tatted 10-point Snowflake (2005) and this is the middle of her pattern, I liked it as it was it is so I have not done the otter round. It makes a lovely little snowflake, easy to tat and quick.
I have some more snowflakes to show you over the next few weeks, amazing how patterns can get repeated in many different forms. I enjoyed Corinne's game, and look forward to seeing when she does another one. There seems to be quite a bit going on in the tatting world at the moment, including a thread exchange on "intatters".
Until we meet again take care
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
The Sunday CD Challenge - Nature's Wonders

Not a very nice day here, its raining at the moment and been dull all day, just managed to get a photo of this card when we had a speck of brightness.
We are just a bit tried today, mother got up in the night and had a fall so I was called out in the middle of the night, 6 miles may not be very much b

Back to today's cards, this card is for the Sunday CD Challenge this week it is Nature's Wonders. I wanted something different, something but in the end this is what I ended up with. I used Joanna She


Do you remember this card from last week, well it came First on the Sunday CD challenge, I cant believe it. Thank you for choosing my card, I am totally speechless.
I hope you are all keeping well and the weather is better with you than it is here, we are due to have very strong winds tomorrow as another hurricane hits the UK, after that gorgeous weather we had at the weekend, we are back to usual UK weather.
The next post will be tatting, promise.
Until we meet again take care
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