
Thank you for visiting my blog today.

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All the photographs have been taken by myself including those of holiday.

Tuesday 31 March 2020

Happy International tatting Day


                              Happy international tatting day to all tatters around the world. 

As you know I adapted  the pattern  of the Hidden rose Snowflake that Muskaan designed  back last year,   here is a link to her blog
I am in the process of writing the pattern,  I only changed the count in two rings of the pattern to fit better into the gem,   in the meantime here is a picture of the ice drop I tatted using  Lizbeth thread, no 20 in Peach,  although it does not look peach in the picture it is peach.

Hoping you are all keeping safe and well

Monday 30 March 2020

Isolation tatting 14 day pattern

Day three

These are strange times we are now living in,  I am in isolation for three months so this tatting pattern is most welcome.Jon from Tat-a-Renda ( here is a link to her blog)  is doing a 14 day pattern as she is also in lock down,  she is already up to day 7,  but I am a bit slow the picture above is up to Day three

Day four
This is Day four using the yellow,  I am now on Day five.
I am using Lizbeth no 20 in Pineapple Parfait,  christmas green in the middle,   Pineapple Parfait and then   Christmas Green mix,  I may stay with these colours and I might add another row of the Christmas green in,  I have not decided yet.

I have seen the pattern up to Day nine and its looking really lovely,  not sure how big this is going to be.
Please take care and stay safe

Sunday 29 March 2020

CD Sunday plus Challenge # 32 Anything goes

In these days of now isolation we continue at CD Sunday plus to do our challenges and I hope you will come and join in.  
Time for another challenge at the CD Sunday plus challenge blog as usual its anything goes as long as its from a CD, USB or digital material and this fortnight it is hosted by Me.
We do have some sad news, Jane is leaving us in the designer team from family reason,  we will miss her.

For this challenge I used again the same CD for this card,  Janet Kruskamp The collection CD by Joanna Sheen,  This CD has a section for shaped cards,  I fell in love with  this card,  his sad face just said make me.   I printed out the whole card, cutting out the main part of the card and adding the 3d parts of the card,  I added a computer generated sentiment Happy Birthday from the dog house.

CD Sunday Plus challenge has a Facebook page for those who would like to enter the challenge and do not have a blog,   here is a link to the page

I hope you will visit the CD Sunday Plus Challenge site, and remember if you want to enter the challenge you must use something from a CD, USB or digital material no matter how small and let us know where and what you used the material from.  Here is a link to CD Sunday Plus Challenge blog  we would be pleased to see you.
I hope you are having a lovely weekend


Thursday 26 March 2020

In isolation so I had a walk around the garden

Here in the UK we are on lock down,  For me because I have underlying illnesses I have to stay at home for three months,   OK I can spring clean the house,  I have a pair of curtains to make,  I can do my tatting,  knitting,  and continue to re-learn  crochet  plus of course my card making and have some more time to play with parchment and stitching cards.
We are allowed to have one walk a day in the fresh air for exercise.  
Today I had a walk around garden and here is pictures of whats flowering at the moment.

The picture above is a quince just coming into flower

Primroses flowering in the back lawn,  they seeded themselves from next door.

This is a purple flower and the plant has variegated leaves,  but I am sure what its called
Grape Hyacinths these are bulbs very pretty flowers in blue

These are miniature daffodils,   they are a new variety which have a rose like center

Forsythia,  not quite in full bloom,  under is my Lilly of the valley just coming up

Lastly this is my Flame of the forest in bloom,  the flowers are like Lilly of the valley and just showing are the  new red leaves before they turn green.

Well thats my walk around my back garden,   hopefully there will more to show as the weeks go by.
I hope everyone is OK and stays safe and well.


Tuesday 17 March 2020

Happy St Patrick's Day


                              A bit late Happy St Patrick's Day to all my Irish followers

Sunday 15 March 2020

CD Sunday plus challenge # 31 Anything goes


Time for another challenge at the CD Sunday Plus challenge blog,   as usual its anything goes as long as it from a CD, USB or Digital material.  This fortnight the challenge is hosted by Jane.

My card this fortnight is a little different in many ways,  I used a shaped card from the Janet Kruskamp The collection CD by Joanna Sheen,  on this CD there is a selection of shaped cards ready to print off and then cut.   The cup cakes are fussy cut and  3d on the top layers I have sewn beads and then glitter parts of the cakes.

CD Sunday Plus challenge has a Facebook page for those who would like to enter the challenge and do not have a blog,   here is a link to the page

I hope you will visit the CD Sunday Plus Challenge site, and remember if you want to enter the challenge you must use something from a CD, USB or digital material no matter how small and let us know where and what you used the material from.  Here is a link to CD Sunday Plus Challenge blog  we would be pleased to see you.
I hope you are having a lovely weekend


Sunday 8 March 2020

Hidden Rose Ice Drop

I expect you were wondering where I was,  unfortunately last weekend I was ill,   I thought I was going to end up in A and E,  but I am now feeling a bit better.
I have been playing with a pattern called Hidden Rose Snowflake which was designed by Muskaan last October,   I do love this pattern and I thought it would work as an ice drop.   It did as you can see and I have shown this to Muskaan who liked it,  phew  I used Lizbeth no 20 in Pineapple Parfait with a cream gem in the middle,
I have not written the variation of the pattern up yet but I will I want to do another one slightly changing the ring count.  
If you would like to see the snowflake and the pattern for it here is a link to Muskaan blog

I am hoping the weather will soon improved I really am fed up with the rain and wind now
Have a lovely weekend

Sunday 1 March 2020

CD Sunday plus Challenge # 30 Anything goes

I hope the weather will soon improve with the storms we are having at the moment, I hope you are safe and not flooded,  to all those affected by flooding I hope you can soon get back into your home and life can get back to normal.   I live high up in the Mendips so our rain water drains into the somerset levels,  there is some flooding but nothing like we had a few years ago thanks to dredging  of the rivers. It’s times all rivers were dredged then there might not be so much flooding in this country.   Anyway onto the challenge.

Its that time again for another challenge at the CD Sunday Challenge plus blog and as always its Anything goes as long as its from a CD, USB or Digital material,  This fortnight our challenge is hosted by Carol.
My card this fortnight is a Barn Owl something we don't see much of these days even though I live in the countryside.  The image and backing paper came form the Jayne Netley Mayhew Collection CD by Joanna Sheen.   The images are matted onto Hunkydory gold bushed miri card and with gold peel offs around the images.  The main image was raised up with 3d pads.  A gold Happy birthday peel off was added in the corner.
CD Sunday Plus challenge has a Facebook page for those who would like to enter the challenge and do not have a blog,   here is a link to the page

I hope you will visit the CD Sunday Plus Challenge site, and remember if you want to enter the challenge you must use something from a CD, USB or digital material no matter how small and let us know where and what you used the material from.  Here is a link to CD Sunday Plus Challenge blog  we would be pleased to see you.
I hope you are having a lovely weekend
