Well we are still in lock down as such, we can go out more, but to be honest with no restaurants, cafes, and pubs open and still no shops apart from food, even if we did venture further out apart from taking a picnic or a drink with you there are no loos open, so not a lot of point driving for a few hours and finding nothing open. We continue to isolate, at least we are getting a few jobs done that needed doing. My bathroom now has the new curtains up, my crochet blanket of granny squares is almost there, I am one the last granny square and then its putting it together, I have used up lots of odd wool, I will post about it when its finished so watch this space. In the meantime I have had a walk around the garden, not a lot out at the moment, there's a lot coming. The picture about shows my blue iris that i planted last year which I took from the front garden into the back garden.
This is my holly in flower, they are very small flowers so I had to do the photo very close up.
This is Pittosporum, its an evergreen very good for flower arranging, I noticed that its coming out into flower, the flowers on this one are very small.
These are my strawberry plants, I have three tubs of strawberry plants, they are looking good and I may have a good crop, since I took the picture there are a few more flowers.
This is Chilean Gum Box, it's grown a bit of a funny shape but its a lovely pink flower, this was put in memory of my dog when she died, I wanted something that would flower, she died about this time of year, and we put her ashes breath the bush.
These are my red hot pokers, OK they are not red, I brought a root early last year but this plant did not look like it would do much, so I brought another one (below), we thought that would be a red one, well as you can see neither are red, the one below is more orange. Its OK the plants beside them are yellow day lilies, which are not yet in flower, so they will or should look good together.

This beautiful shrub is flowering over our garden from the next door neighbours garden, and I just had to take a picture of it, its called a Weigela shrub and is in full flower.
Well thats my walk around the garden, hope you are all OK and staying safe and well