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Thursday 15 August 2024

Happy 22nd Wedding Anniversary



Today is our 22nd wedding anniversary,  funny how today falls on  a Friday and 22 years  ago it was a Friday we got married on.

We have had our ups and downs and at the moment,  I am looking after Vernon,  he had a fall on the 16th June  and after an X-ray we were told he had three fractures in his shoulder,  by our local minor injuries unit,    We saw  the orthopaedic surgeon on the 3rd July,  next Saturday the 24th he will have a scan we have been farmed out to another small hospital for the  scan on his injury,  when I asked about waiting so long I was told that was quick,  if we had waited for the Royal United hospital in Bath it would have been the end of October.   Then we have to inform the surgeon that he’s had the scan and wait for an appointment to see him.  Hopefully we will find out what real damage has been done.   He’s  beginning to do little things with his good arm,  not easy and he gets frustrated,  I am totally knackered and exhausted,  with the fibromyalgia playing up as well.  Still it is in sickness and in health,  so we just pod n.

I made a quick card,  it’s all from stash,  I tried to make it masculine,  he’s not one for a card that’s too feminine,  so I hope he likes it,  instead of flowers, ribbon or feathers,  I just used die cut foliage and three die cut hearts,   I’m afraid my mojo seems to be tried too, or has disappeared,  hopefully it will come back soon.



  1. Congratulations on your anniversary. I hope Vernon is seen to soon and put on the road to recovery. Look after yourself too.

  2. Congratulations to you both,best wishes for many more years together

  3. Happy anniversary and I hope things soon look up for Vernon, a lovely card to celebrate x

  4. Congratulations on you 22 years of marriage
    A beautiful card Ginny x

  5. Happy anniversary to you both, beautiful card Margaret, I really hope Vernon can be treated and feel much better soon. xx


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