Yes we are back from a holiday in Crete, you have been having the same weather as us in Crete, sun, blue skies and blue of the Aegean Sea was a wonderful restful holiday, just what we both needed. The stress of the last six months in particular has been extremely great and I think both Vernon and I were totally worn out.
We had a lovely meal in a Chinese restaurant, we do like Chinese food and this restaurant opened up in the resort while we were there, the pale blue material ones were given to us on the first night and then when we had another meal we were given a pair each, they are beautiful, too beautiful to use, the photos don't do them justice and the colours of the patterns on the chop sticks have not shown up as well as I would have liked. The material they are packed in is really gorgeous with Chinese designs embroidered on it.
Before we left my Orchid was about to flower, so I missed the first three flowers opening up, but these pictures show you what they look like when I came home on Wednesday morning, yes it was 2am when I had my first look at them. It was a lovely welcome home.
I do have some good news to share, four weeks ago I hinted that Vernon was ill, in fact he was diagnosed with Prostate cancer, although in the very early stages we have now been told since we came home that they are not going to do anything. They don't think it will do anything and will not develop enough to kill him. They want him to have an MRI scan in six months, if nothing has changed it looks like he can get on with his life. This is a huge weight off our shoulders as we have been trying to get our head around it. After everything that happen to me last year, it just felt so awful to have Vernon facing an operation and so soon after he had retired in November. It has not been the best start for his retirement with Mother, Peter and now being told he had cancer.
I did some tatting on holiday which I will show you soon, I also took some wool to do some knitting for my shop, the pattern said one 100 gram ball, but I don't have enough to finish it, the shop has ordered me some more, so that's another item for you when its finished.
I am preparing a post about our holiday and day trip to Santorini they will be posted over the next week.
I hope you are keeping well and until we meet again Take Care
Yes we are back from a holiday in Crete, you have been having the same weather as us in Crete, sun, blue skies and blue of the Aegean Sea was a wonderful restful holiday, just what we both needed. The stress of the last six months in particular has been extremely great and I think both Vernon and I were totally worn out.

I do have some good news to share, four weeks ago I hinted that Vernon was ill, in fact he was diagnosed with Prostate cancer, although in the very early stages we have now been told since we came home that they are not going to do anything. They don't think it will do anything and will not develop enough to kill him. They want him to have an MRI scan in six months, if nothing has changed it looks like he can get on with his life. This is a huge weight off our shoulders as we have been trying to get our head around it. After everything that happen to me last year, it just felt so awful to have Vernon facing an operation and so soon after he had retired in November. It has not been the best start for his retirement with Mother, Peter and now being told he had cancer.
I did some tatting on holiday which I will show you soon, I also took some wool to do some knitting for my shop, the pattern said one 100 gram ball, but I don't have enough to finish it, the shop has ordered me some more, so that's another item for you when its finished.
I am preparing a post about our holiday and day trip to Santorini they will be posted over the next week.
I hope you are keeping well and until we meet again Take Care