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Saturday, 27 January 2018

Square Eyes


I have square eyes from Tatting the pink squares, they are for Tat a Brussels Monument in Pink project which was started by Cathy de Greef, the call for 10,000 squares has been taken up by tatters all over the world and has become a very international tatting project.
Why are we using just pink, pink was the colour used for women's marches.
Brussels is the capital of Belgium and also Europe and the place where leaders decide.
Bruges is welcoming an international lace congress in August 2018
As tatting is nearly not known in Belgium and not considered as lace or art, "Tat a monument in pink lace is a big opportunity to put the focus on tatting and on women's rights
All square will be assembled and sold in auction or given, if it is sold the UN Women will receive the money.
Here's is my contribution 24, 12 of each design.

I used Lizbeth thread no 20 called Pink Parade.
There are several monuments in Brussels so when I find out which one they are covering I will let you know,  I have been to Brussels many times as a child and many parts of Belgium.
Now it's been pink for weeks I really need to tat another colour unfortunately the polish doily which I have not touch while doing these squares is on a pink round,......looks like I will be back.tatting pink for a little while.
It may not be many but at the moment I have been in severe pain and I'm having an MRI next week hopefully it may find the problems.  
In the meantime I hope you are well and have a nice weekend.


  1. Wow! You have been busy Margaret, your pink squares are so pretty.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  2. Nice! MrG hopes you feel better soon. Me too. đź’•

  3. Good job! My squares are in Brussels already. Our postal system bids so erratic I thought I’d best allow plenty of time.

  4. beautiful patterns and a good background story, hope all goes well with the scan

  5. I think these are gorgeous Margaret, super pretty and like I said on FB, it's a lovely thing to be part of....
    Have a lovely day...xx

  6. You've been busy! Those pink squares all look so pretty. I hope you're feeling better soon.

  7. I think you did a fantastic job, far more than I did. I shamefully put my measly 6 squares in an envelope and mailed them last week, with out a picture of this shamefull amount.:(

    1. Carollyn your squares have arrived in Belguim I saw a picture of them on Facebook,

  8. Hi Margaret, Thanks for your encouraging words on my beginner's tatting. I shall never be as good as you but I hope to give it a good go! Thanks for the advice xx

    1. Your very welcome, practice practice and practice you will get there.

  9. I'm sorry to hear you're in pain Margaret. I hope the trouble can be found and fixed very soon.
    I do like those pink squares and would love to make some, but I do not understand her pattern. The drawing is confusing for me.


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