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Tuesday 2 July 2024

2024 TTAL - temperature tat along part nine


Six months finished of the temperature tat along   Here is my latest I am five days behind,  as you know I am working in a square,  middle is January I started in the third week if January,  I have dark pink coming up for two squares,  looks like this week could be back to orange,  I have not had time to block it,  due to hubby’s accident and limited time doing any crafting,

It’s been hard going over the last two weeks, to say I am knackered is an understatement,  he does try and help with one hand bless him,  hoping the fractures will mend soon.



  1. Lovely to see the progress in your tat along hopefully we'll see some orange next time. Sorry to read Vernon has a fracture hope he's on the mend.

  2. Your temperature square is looking so interesting. I hope Vernon is on the mend.

  3. It is coming on well done Ginny
    My Blog As I do Rodos

  4. Poor Vernon, he has suffered with this one Margaret, hope he is soon better.
    Love the Tatting, its coming on well, fingers crossed for abit more orange I think. xx


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