I hope you are all keeping well, again for another day I have been unable to log in and leave comments on your lovely blogs, I hope blogger will get this problem sorted out for us all. Funny I can put a post on my blog but not leave comments, I hope to leave some comments when its working properly again, I promise to visit and catch up. I would like to say to Sarpreet I hope your mother gets better soon and its not serious. To Jane the crosses you have been showing us this week are lovely. thank you for sharing. To Janette your card is lovely. To Nic I hope you soon feel better. To those I have not included I will catch up with you.
Kevin said on my last but one post that we would be seeing more bookmarks, well Kevin you are right and here are a few I have been making.

These two are made from Lizbeth thread No 20 Turquoise Twist, one is white and Turquoise Twist, and the other is all Turquoise Twist. Both are the same Wrought Iron Pattern By Mary Konior.
Oh and the one above is in Lizbeth Thread Sea Shell No 20

These are in Altin Basak Thread which is a Turkish thread, there are two different patterns in this picture one is Wrought Iron and the other on is Rockingham both by Mary Konior. I had trouble with the Rockingham pattern and nearly gave up but with a little swearing and unpicking I got there in the end.
Now I have added this into the post this cross

I hope you have a lovely weekend, another long weekend for us in the UK, but the weather does not look as if its going to be as good as the last bank holiday we had. I am in Cheese and Grain this Saturday doing my craft table, I hope I will be OK and not in too much pain I am only allowed to sit while hubby does it, I am there to do technical, he does not do technical questions. At least he does it for me, there have been more bad days than good days recently.
Until we meet again in blog land take care.