It seems ages since I posted anything on my blog. I am recovering well from my op and the infection has gone hooray. The nurses have stopped coming in and I have the last couple of days been out in the car for a ride. I am still not allowed to do anything, at times I forget but I am trying to be a good patient.
Wendy from Uni and Tsuru link to her blog suggested a tat along, this is the first round of the pattern we both chose, the first round is all split rings and a chain from one petal to another link to pattern. I used Lizbeth no 40 American Apple Pie, which I think was sent to me a while ago by Wanda. if I am wrong, its been a while ago. I have enjoyed this pattern something different, I will post the next round when done.
Now while I am posting do you remember this. This is the tat along by Renulek (intatters) its been ages since I posted this mat but finally I have finished the snowflake round and the little bits beside the snowflakes. I stopped doing this mat after Vernons Dad died in January and then I did a bit and put it down and lost interest in it. Well while I can't do anything but sit I picked it up again and here is the finished snowflake round, now I am on the next round with three more to do. I can't see this being finished any time soon but at least its back on track. I am using Lizbeth No 20 Sea Island Citrus thread.

Thank you for all your kind wishes and messages they are really appreciated.
I hope you are keeping well, until we meet again take care.