Anni Horrible or horrible year, that's what 2011 has been for me and Vernon, I cant wait to see the back of it, I only wish I was in Samora and have one day less for the year to end.
A year of illness and now I have flu last winter I went though without a cold or flu, this winter this is now my second bout of flu. The two things that have come out of the year is that I am not in pain 24/7 and the gall bladder operation I waited for for a long time was done in July. The cancerous mole was taken out and although I am left with a very long scar on my back I am cancer free.
Mother is still in hospital and although she does not know it yet is going into a home, if you hear screams and shouts coming from Somerset its her protesting that she wont go into a home, but she cant look after herself and I have no choice in the matter the hospital and authorities say a home. So I am now looking at care homes and trying to find the best one for her.
Vernon's planned retirement happen and although its now nearly two months we have not yet got into a routine, its been all go since we got back from our holiday. Its been nice having him home and to share all the problems we have had over the last couple of months.
Our Holiday to Grand Canary, although the hotel was gorgeous, food beautiful and the choice wonderful we did not enjoy it as we should have done but as many of you know with mother in hospital and Peter being killed things just took the joy from it. We did do a trip around the island and an evening at Sioux City. I can now laugh at one moment we brought new cases for the holiday and we got off the coach at the hotel, I sailed into hotel leaving Vernon behind me, as he pulled his case in the handle came off, he thought that case went light, he had the handle and the case on the

pavement. I might add when we got home my handle was lose, well it made it home.
While we were in Grand Canary we were given some sweets which I kept for my grand daughter Bethany, one of them was this one, on the wrapper was Mells, we laughed as Mells is the name of the next village from us towards Frome.
It was not the worse holiday we have had that was a couple of years ago when my purse was stolen, although it contained no cards and only a few euros it had my silver dollar inside, I was given it on my 21st birthday, and as yet I have never been able to replace it, it was one of my treasured items, hopefully one day I might be able to replace it for now I still miss it in my purse. I was told that if you have a silver dollar in your purse it was lucky and you would never be without money in your purse, not sure if that is true. On that holiday it rained everyday and we had thunderstorms every day, even the resort got flooded, I am not planning to go back there again.
Now on a l

ighter note this lovely card and snowflake arrived just before Christmas from Wendy (Unintsuru) in Singapore. Thank you Wendy the snowflake is gorgeous, I thought it was one of her own patterns but it was from the lovely book playing with picots by Martha Ess which Mother gave me for Christmas and I have been playing with over the last few days.
I would also like to thank Michelle for the Latin, Latin is not a language I have ever used, so thank you Michelle, Anni horrible is the only words that fits my year.
I hope you are keeping well and with only a few hours left of this year, roll on next year.
I wish you all a very very happy New Year.