Another beautiful day here in Somerset, hot and very heavy, with Glastonbury approaching and rain forecasted for the end of the week, my garden is looking a bit dry so a few showers of rain will be appreciated as long as the summer comes back.
England play tomorrow night, so its Here we go, here we go .....Home, I am not a football fan so I wont say any more, This girl is an F1 fan though and though.

Yesterday I went to the Parchment Show in Bristol, I had a lovely day and meet Carol from the CD Sunday Challenge, it was great to see Carol again, we had a long chat, thanks Carol for making the day even better.
The pictures are from my mobile phone yes yet again I forgot my camera but I think you will agree these pictures look good for a mobile phone.
The two pictures above were totally wonderful made from parchment and paper, if you want to see more the web site is www.skills4you.org.uk
I wont go though all the pictures but thank you those who allowed me to take them.
Gorgeous dresses
This was one gorgeous fan.
These gorgeous butterflies are beautiful and were glittered too, I got the patterns and instructions how to make them.
These beautiful swans in parchment complete with parchment feathers
Close up
This picture should interest the tatters, does the picture look like a tatted snowflake........
Another picture looks like tatting
This was ladies clothing though the ages in parchment.
Henry the 8th with his wives
Wonderful Ferris wheel
This lovely picture of the badger, I was given instruction on how to do him and told yes you can do it, even as a beginner you can do it.... well I brought the pattern, so watch this space.
I hope you enjoyed my tour of the show, I took 45 pictures and these are just some of them, the next show is on 21st June 2015 in Bristol, so if you are around try and visit it if you can, I think you will enjoy it.
Until we meet again Take care