Its a beautiful evening here in Somerset, and a little cooler than the last few days, not complaining long may this weather continue. Today on various blogs there have been practising shuttle rings entwined, well I managed it, this is my first attempt and I cant believe I did it first time, I watched the video several times before putting thread and shuttle together, its not finished and one of the rings is not perfect and I still have the last ring to do but I thought I would share with you my attempt. To view the video link here Also the link to Joelle's blog and Jon her blog they before having been playing with this pattern. The video was made by Karen Cabrera and is a really good video to watch. Anyway this is eureka moment today, I did not think I would be able to it and already I have a couple of ideas, I will share them with you when I have perfected them.

Tonight is the big show, the opening of the Olympics I hope you enjoy the show and the Olympics. They show American television and how they are reporting on the Olympics this morning on Breakfast Television. I thought our television stations were full on but it seems so is America.
Until we meet again take care