After the forecast said heavy rain and wind today it has proved to be anything to what they said, the sun has been shining and I have seen some blue sky. Someone somewhere is getting the wind and rain but not here.
Today has been a bad day, at the moment my mother is still in the operating theatre and I am waiting to hear. She had two falls yesterday, well that's nothing new for my mother, she been walking badly and I had said to her on Tuesday why are you walking badly, a

ll I got was it my knee. Late last night the ambulance was called again, they had already been out in the evening, I got a phone call at 1.30am this morning with a garbled message saying she was in hospital, After ringing the Royal United at Bath who said they had no one by that name I went back to bed, Vernon was not amused saying they might have got the wrong person for all we know, at 3.30am I still could not sleep and rang again, to find she had dislocated her bad hip (replacement hip) and fractured her other leg, I am not sure if she has been walking on these but knowing her possibly and would not say anything. Its been a day of getting Gertie to the kennels and getting her clothes together for the hospital, sorting out a few other things . I am still not sure if I will go in tonight she may not be around enough. Vernon took the day off work to help, he only has 6 more working days left before he retires. This is all we need as we go on holiday on the 21st, it appears she will be in hospital for several weeks and they have said I can go on holiday, with Gertie booked into kennels for the next three weeks plus, I am now left with my visitor, I will show you my visitor tomorrow in the meantime I wanted to sh

ow you my card for the
The Sunday CD Challenge . This week it is sunsets, I have used an image from the Pamela West Collection Cd by Joanne Sheen, I used the image and the backing papers to match the image was mounted on purple miri board.
The velvet ribbon is two strand of ribbon, one purple and one violet to match the paper, and finished off with silver peel offs.
This image reminds me of the sunset off a Greek island, I was going to use a picture from a Greek island but I could not find the one I wanted, I expect it will turn up next week.
For those who are wondering I had the injection, and the shoulder and arm are very painful, not sure if its going to work.
Until we meet again I hope you are keeping well and take care