Its the most beautiful day here in Somerset now the fog has lifted, we had a frost over night and now the sun has come out to play. Its that strange thing that shines in the sky, we have so many dull, dank, horrible days all winter that now the sun has appeared it just wonderful to see it again.
I know it was up there somewhere, and was shining on someone but not here. This winter has been long, cold, wet, snowy, dull, dank, dark and its not going to last, rain is forecasted again from tomorrow. The Somerset levels are still flooded from the rain we had before christmas, all the meadows and fields will have to be re-sown, its a total wash out.

I was asked to knit some toys, this is an old and trusted pattern, I did a lot of these years ago many in football team colours. These are knitted in 4 ply wool she's in shades of peach and he is cream and blue, they make a fetching pair. I might add she was over the moon with them and has asked for more knitted toys, whatever I what to knit. Well there is another elephant that needs his hat finishing, I have something else to knit more about that next month hopefully when I get the pictures to show you. In the meantime when I have finished that knitting I will be back on the toys, so watch this space for more to come.
Enjoy this beautiful day and until we meet again take care