this little pant gives me lots of pretty pink flowers all summer long, unfortunately I can't remember its name, it does come in variety of different colours, They are used in tubs and hanging baskets or just as a patch in the garden.
Stargazer Lilies |
During the summer I started taking some pictures of the flowers in my garden, illness stopped it but I still have a few here to show you around.
The Lilies are grown in tubs at the top of the garden, they made a lovely show this year, I don't know the name of the red and yellow ones but they really gave the garden some colour for a few weeks.
The stargazer lilies added not only colour but some perfume to the air.
This plant is called Agapanthus, it should look beautiful with a head of flowers in a round ball. This is what I get, a real disappointment. This is the third year they have come out like this and they drop around the stem. I have no idea why, I know they like to be pot bound, well last year they were so this year I re-potted it and still this is what I get.
Anyone know the answer I would love to know why. I put them in a sunny position most of the day beside the wall around the patio so they get shielded by any bad weather, they are taken in during the winter so they don't frosted, what more am I to do?
This is Evening Primrose, it grows like weeds in my garden this plant is actually growing in one of my tubs, but if you move them when growing they die, so I leave them wherever they grow.
In the picture is also my Flame of Forest I love that shrub, with the red leaves and lily of the valley flowers.
This is my Himalayan Honeysuckle, my blackbird which I have been trying to video has been eating the seeds from it, he flies up to the thin branches which as so thin they won't hold his weight, hits the branch and then goes down under the shrub to eat them. He has been on this shrub non stop for two weeks.
Lastly this is Crocosmia, bright orange flowers which are in flower now, but they spread like wildfire and every year we pull up loads and they seem to grown more and more.
Well thats just a few plants from my garden this year,
I hope enjoyed my pictures from my garden this summer.