Today I am doing a christmas fair in Cheese and Grain in Frome. I am hoping the weather forecast will be kind to us, yesterday it was a cold wind although it stayed dry. Last night Jenson Button turned on the christmas lights in Frome. Update on this Jenson is on the national news this morning doing his doughnut in his F1 car in the car park in Frome, which is outside the building where I will be today, in the Cheese and Grain they used the hall as pit stop garage.
These are my knitted Christmas Holly cakes from the book 20 to make Knitted cakes. I put a piece of red ribbon around the base of the cakes. One has knitted red berries and the other is a white christmas rose which I added yellow french knots in the middle to break the whiteness. With knitted green holly leaves.

I must wish Cheryl from "intatters" who also has a craft market but in Alberta Canada, when mine finishes she will be beginning hers, good luck, hope you sell lots.
Hope you have a nice weekend.